Hair & Beauty Magazine

Small Hearts, BIG Love

By Pinkandpolished
I wanted to try out some new Stick It! Nail Vinyls since there's so many new one being released and these Small Heart Stencils are too cute to resist! 

I wanted to do something simple that really showcased the vinyl design and I think I'm in love! So cute and fun, want to see?I started with a base of ILNP Mega(S), when it was dry I placed the Small Heart Stencils over my middle and ring nail. I sponged over the stencil with CBL The Heart Bleeds and peeled off the stencils immediately. I cut one stencil in half and placed one half on my pinky and index nails and used a dotting tool to fill in just one heart with CBL The Heart Bleeds. I removed the vinyls immedaitely and sealed everything in with a layer of Seche Vite

Small Hearts, BIG Love
I love how simple these nails were to create and the end result is just so sweet!

What do you guys think?

Thanks loves :) 

Small Hearts, BIG Love

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