Before you sign up for networking events, first get clear on what what your networking goal is. If you are looking to learn more about training and development, don't go to a meetup for people with dogs. But, if you are looking to become a pet marketing expert, sign up for that dog meetup right now.
Once you have a good idea of your networking goal, find a few different associations and events to "try" so you can find one association or membership group you really love. The value of attending networking events comes when you continually attend the events and see people each month. THAT is when you start to get to know each other and the referrals for dream career opportunities will begin to come. By attending an event only once, you meet someone, maybe exchange business cards and never see them again.
You want to explore multiple groups so you can find the ONE (or maybe two if you have the time) that you really enjoy and want to attend every meeting. You can't just turn up and expect to get referrals. Look for a networking group that focuses on building relationships, mentoring, learning and avoiding the "Sell, sell, sell" approach. Statistics show that most referrals come not from the first meeting within a group, but from second and third level referrals.
Once you find the right group to join and you make it a priority to get to all the events on your calendar, look into leadership positions in the group to start meeting event more people.
Here are 6 ways to narrow down networking events and find the right one to attend:
1. Google It
Google networking groups, your industry and your location. Often you will be able to find websites who have listed a variety of networking groups in a certain location. For example, here is San Diego networking events for women. Also, try searching for women's networking groups in your location as well.
2. Ask
Request informational interviews with people in the careers that you want to have. Ask them what networking events they attend and join those. Post on LinkedIn in groups that are in your industry and ask them what association you should be part of.
3. Look on LinkedIn
Look on LinkedIn to see what types of groups people in your industry are part of. LinkedIn is your secret weapon. You can see the job history of careers that you really want and it will tell you all of the groups you need to be part of as well. You can be a spy and see what groups someone who has your desired job title is in. Join those and start networking!
4. Search Meetup or Eventbrite
There are so many events that you can choose from. The two sites that need to be on your radar for networking events are and eventbrite.com. You can find events for people with the same interests as you have and if they don't have an event yet, why not start one yourself!
5. Twitter Hashtags
These days every event has a Twitter hashtag. If you are at an event, its great to follow this hashtag to connect with people at the event. But here's the real secret if you aren't at an event, you can still follow the hashtag and network with the attendees. We recommend following hashtag streams in your industry to find out seminars that are happening.
6. Your Dream List
Make a list of your favorite speakers and authors and check out their websites for where they are speaking next. Who would you love to meet in person or hear speak? Don't be afraid to travel if needed! The best investment you can make is in yourself!
What events are you attending? Maybe we can meet in person!