I keep coming across people talking about what they would tell themselves if they could send a letter into the past to a younger, teenage version of themselves.
I know I’m not that old, but having been through what I thought was quite a bit when I was a teenager it got me thinking what I would say to myself – just get on with PE and ignore the childish people, be confident, your parents aren’t against you, blah blah blah.
I actually started writing my letter to myself. But then I thought…Wouldn’t that change your future?
All actions in your past no matter how hurtful or challenging make you the person you are today. They create your strengths and weaknesses, and to be pretty honest I am happy with the person I am now!
I know not everyone is happy where they are now and for that I am grateful and feel pretty lucky! I may have hated high school, hated the way everything was back then, but I am a different person now and I love who I have become. I am so much more confident in myself and as a person, and all the things I have been through, from bullying to relationships, will have made me this way.
So the only thing I would love to tell my younger self is to keep going, be a little more confident and that everything will ok. Although deep down I know back then I knew it had to get better which is why I would have pushed myself to move away from the silliness and move on to bigger and better things, starting with moving to Worcester and now being in London chasing my dreams! I can’t wait to see where life takes me from here.
Would you write a letter to your younger self if you could?