Hi friends!
Since I haven’t talked to y’all in a while, I decide to call this post, “What’s New Wednesday.”
1. My sissy is done with college!
Whattttt? Yep. She finished her last quarter a little while ago, but will walk with the rest of her friends in the June graduation ceremony. Very weird to me.

This was my college graduation 3 years ago!
2. Kyle and I are setting aside quality “us time”
When you have work, grad school, family stuff, house projects, train for half marathons, etc., it’s so easy to forget about “us time.” Kyle and I are only in our 20’s and we realized we need to have more selfish time together while we’re young!
One new rule is that during the work week, the cell phones go away as soon as dinner starts and stay away until we start getting ready for the next day. (We turn them on loud for emergencies and such, but texts and emails are a no- again, unless emergencies).

We’re also bringing out the Date Jar I made for Kyle a little while ago. I’m more excited about these date ideas than I was last year because I cannot remember what I wrote!

3. Bocce Ball is fun!

I like this photo because I appear tall ;) I may or may not be standing on a ledge…
I have “played” once before at a work function, but it was mostly a lot of socializing and very little game playing.

The outdoor courts
Kyle’s dad’s company threw him a going away party (he is switching companies), and it was held at Campo di Bocce. A lot of fun and a lot of yummy food!
4. My next half marathon is about a month away!
Okay, so that’s not technically new news because the date of the race has not changed. But- it’s new because I just realized ;)
I’m particularly excited about this one because my grandpa is going to watch! The race is near his house so my family will stay at his house, and then I’ll drag them out of bed on race day to watch me sweat a bunch. I haven’t told them that the race starts at 6:30 AM yet. This conversation won’t happen until the night before.
I’m also excited because I get to run with Michelle (she generously offered me the race entry!)! I haven’t seen her since my first marathon last November! BTW she just ran Boston :)

Here we are after one of my long runs during marathon training last year. She’s just the sweetest and offered to run with me when I had to start tackling those 20 mile runs…
Anyways, I was hoping for a PR for this half marathon since I haven’t had one in a while, but unfortunately I just haven’t been all that speedy lately. I did add speed work to my training, so we’ll see.
What’s new with you?
Did it feel weird when a younger sibling, cousin, etc. graduated from college?
Do you have quality “us time” with your partner?
Have you played bocce ball?