I take my title from the famous 1960s song but it would do as the heading to Janet Daley's column in today's Telegraph which asks, rather plaintively, "Does anyone really know what this election is all about?" Sorry, Janet, I haven't a clue! A few weeks back I begged 'Dim Dave' to come up with one or two 'Big Ideas' but, alas, it is obviously quite beyond him and all those alleged 'clever dicks' who surround him. And that includes that useless Aussie adviser who is costing the Toy party a fortune and whose advice seems to be limited to telling 'Dave' not to say or do anything except slag off Labour.
The current chatter seems to be on the possible necessity for Tories and Labour to form a coalition government after the election in order to keep the Jocks out. This, of course, would delight 'Dave' because it would provide him with an excuse to back out of the very few real conservative pledges like holding a referendum on Europe.
Sometimes I despair!