Business Magazine

What is Your Business’s Social Media Message?

Posted on the 17 May 2011 by Maria Snyder @MariaConsulting

This article first published as is Your Business’s Social Media Message?, on Technorati.
Businesses are seeking out nontraditional means of advertising; they’re flocking to social media sites to promote themselves.
Businesses need to maintain a consistent voice, keep it real and make the right impression to stay top of mind. You want the consumer to think of you after they see your video or post. A social media campaign and continued presence can be successful with some of these strategies I use as my to-do’s for social media managers:

  • Listen to the social stream, learn from and identify social activity relevant to you.
  • Observe the industry, friend and follow a target audience, address goals and gaps from the beginning.
  • Network to friends, family and colleagues, offer incentives, keep it fluid
  • Interact and reach out, inform, nurture, ask and be open to real conversation, build relationships.
  • Manage, integrate accounts, co-ordinate initiative scheduling, develop reputation
  • Track measurable results, growth and achievements

With any form of marketing, traditional or not there comes a mindset and skill. The to-do list of social media managers is long, seek common ground with whomever you are entrusting to perform this important task for you. Dedicate consistent time and relevant content to social media interactivity. Don’t be afraid to be humble and do not ignore criticism.

What is your business’s social media message?

So, what is your business’s social media message? Is it clear and concise or unorganized and unfocused?
Adhering to common sense and the goals you’ve set will maintain your business and brand at top of mind. We’ve all seen the business social media fail, take steps now before you jump in to make your business’s social media successful. and great sources of social media news, tips and information.
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