Many of you have written to me to ask what exactly PaleoCleanse is. First, let me tell you what it’s not!
- It’s not an all-meat diet!
- It’s not a colon cleanse or a laxative.
- It doesn’t contain stimulants.
- It doesn’t contain gluten, wheat, soy, or synthetic vitamins.
Now that we got that cleared up, in summary, PaleoCleanse assists your body in detoxification of environmental toxins that can mimic hormones and disrupt thyroid function in your body and lead to weight gain, allergies, fatigue, arthritis, and other unpleasant things. Most people substitute the PaleoCleanse shakes for one or two meals per day, and then have a healthy homemade lunch or dinner. Others have used the PaleoCleanse shakes alongside a juice cleanse. There are many possibilities to suit your own lifestyle and nutritional needs.