I wanted to dedicate What I'm Loving Wednesday to the whole house scenario and funny enough, Jaime did the same with HGTV and Pinterest. So here are some things I'm loving...
1. Pinterest - I am not, what you would call, super gifted in the decorating department. I can take concepts (like I do with clothing) and put together an idea, but just give me a blank room and no direction, I struggle. I love pinterest because I can find all kinds of home decor ideas and put them together on a board so when it's time to decorate my new home, I have all my ideas in one place! Some cute things on my board -

2. Stumble Upon - I love the face that I can search using key word, home decor or interior design, and it will take me to several blogs with awesome decorating ideas. I've found so many cute blogs doing this and now I follow them. Hopefully, I can use their help in decorating my new house! Or my current one if it doesn't work out.
Blogs I've found through Stumble upon -
79 Ideas, a blog about decorating... Belle MaisonThe Inspired RoomThe Old Painted Cottage
3. Craigslist - Since we will possibly be moving from a 1300 sq ft house to a 2200 sq foot house, I need furniture. I do not like spending money. The idea of spending lots of money on furniture stresses me out. So, I started looking on Craigslist to see what is one there and there is a LOT of cute stuff. I think the new couch will be new, but as far as dining room furniture, patio furniture, etc... we're going used! And I'm excited because they really have some cute things!!!

4. Target - I found some cute stuff there too.

I need formal living room furniture, dining room furniture, a futon, and some furniture for my "yoga" room. Then two sets of patio furniture, because the house we want has not 1 outside porch, but 2. Yes, that is right. 2.