Self Expression Magazine
What Happened
What the hell happened last week.
I'm still in sort of a shock of what is going on. Almost have to say what happened for this. I have emailed and phoned around a few of my writer friends and a few director friends and actors. It always gives me some help about whatever the hell is going on.
And one of my producer friends already wants me to work on my S.O.B. series.
Yeah? He's already even though the world has changed forever.
He wants me to look as though I just finished it. He's going to get S.0.B to a new president who was chief of marketing previously. The company is largely a female focus operation. We have two female leads, it's wide open for a female producer and directors and with a successful five hours it morphs into a continuing series.
This guy is crazy, ready to kill, the world is turning over (well, maybe a little?) and he wants to move. This was a series about two women who were married to the same man in his 60's and who died leaving an old Private Eye shop off Venture and Van Nuys and was married to both of them. Different times.
So... here I go again? My favorite town, where I lived for 28 years.