OH MY GOOD GOD! I haven't blogged for about 3 MONTHS! I've decided to come back to beauty blogging after a really long break. If i'm being completely honest, I lost the love I had for it and became a bit disillusioned with everything like beauty boxes etc and found I was just doing it for the sake of it. Now, after a good break and the summer holiday off from teaching, I am fresh faced and ready to give it another try!
I've had a bit of an image crisis - I felt really ugly and had put on weight, so felt bad about myself. I've now lost a little weight (apparently I look "much better for it" - how big was I before?!), just dyed my hair dark red, have been experimenting with new shades of lip color and generally just feel a bit more positive. I have a lovely, lovely boyfriend who I adore and am going back to work feeling excited to meet new pupils this September so I have a lot to be thank you for.
I've realised that I really DO love beauty products - it's what I spend most of my spare cash on, and i'm just going to blog because I WANT to not because I feel I have to keep up with people. I've been reading much more blogs recently, and I have to actually thank essiebutton at www.essiebutton.com because her blog is my fave and I feel inspired again. So thanks Estee! See you all soon :)