Well, maybe not all of them but I am, at any rate! The oozing sentimentality over the Dowler and McCann families makes me feel ill and when it dribbles from the unctious mouths of politicians I feel positively nauseated. I notice 'Edenoidal' Ed made mention of both of them in his Commons' speech, barely able to resist the flourish of holding his hankie to his eyes. But not a mention of Nazi flaggelants, or thesps with a taste for LA hookers, and certainly no mention of Labour MPs posing on homosexual websites in their Y-fronts as they tout for a shag!
Look, freedom is freedom and when you come to the scavengers of Canary Wharf you take the rough with the smooth, as you have to do with all freedoms, it's part of the price. Like parliamentary democracy, for example, in which we have the freedom to vote despite the fact that most of the people we have to vote for are not fit to run a parish council let alone a country. Even the possibility of that gang of expenses cheats and thieves, to say nothing of the swivel-eyed political fanatics amongst them, having even a finger-hold control over press activity fills me with dread.
So, I say again - and somehow I don't think I will be saying it very often - well done, Dave. If you stick to your principle you may live to regret it but if your government falls on this then it is an honourable sword upon which to be impaled. As of this moment I do not know what the leader of the mis-named Liberal Democrats - they should be sued under the Trade Descriptions Act! - has to say but the word is that he, too, is all for statutory regulation of the press. However, if, and it's a big 'if', he sticks to his guns it could bring down the government and that would lead to the virtual elimination of his party in Parliament. Good riddance, I say!