Hair & Beauty Magazine

Weight Loss

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
Ok, so I, like many people, need to drop the flab... I know there is a bikini body under there. So from now till whenever I run out of things to say, or I have lost all the weight I want,  I am going to do a post on weight loss. I believe there will be about one a week, if I remember. It will track my progress, give diet/exercise tips, give specific exercises to combat specific areas and talk about things such as slimming pills. Ok so a little about me... Let me just say I'm not actually fat by any means I just want to be toned. I have very muscly (big) legs from doing years of dancing, so I will never have the hyped up thigh gap no matter how much I exercise. At the moment my mean exercises are ab related ones to try and get a six pack going on there. And my dietary habits are strange. I am vegetarian but it seems I don't eat so many veggies. I don't really eat to much that is bad for you I just eat in large quantities. So yes if any of this relates to you then hopefully this will be a very helpful series. 
Tweet me (@yougottabgorgex) if you have any suggestions on posts/videos you would like me to talk about.Thanks, see you soon x 

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