Hi friends! Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a chance to win a FREE canvas print from CanvasPop!
Sunday: 6.4 miles– My watch didn’t start when my friend and I took off for my run. I went by my FitBit mileage and thought we were running 5-ish miles. I later mapped it on Google and we actually ran 6.4 haha. Woops!
Monday: Upper body strength
Tuesday: 3 miles, easy pace
On Friday, Kyle and I had our 7 year anniversary dinner date at Fleming’s! Our actual anniversary was Saturday, but we wanted to go out on Friday instead (more on that in a little bit ;) ).
Dinner was amazingly delicious and so much fun! One of our topics of conversation was what we would do if we won the lottery. Very infrequently (MAYBE 1x/year), we will buy 1 lotto ticket just for fun. The conversations alone are worth it to us :)
Another funny thing we reminisced about was how on our first dates, we would always stress (internally) about having something to talk about to avoid awkward silence. Now I bet he prays for my silence ;). Funny how times have changed!
Now, Saturday was our actual anniversary. And remember I said how we didn’t want to go out? This is why:
We’ve had 2 car accidents on 2 separate anniversaries (neither were our faults)! So we said clearly we weren’t meant to travel on that date ;)
We had a relaxing day at home, went for a walk, and wrapped ourselves in bubbles for protection. We didn’t wear these for our walk, but I kind of wanted to just to see how many stares we got.
Ever miscalculated your run?
What’s something you used to worry about on dates with your significant other?