Hey all, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
I am running around like a crazy woman today attempting to get back into the swing of being in class all day while still feeding and caffeinating myself. Here is a quick look at my weekend!
Pre-workout questie and strawberry protein shake.
Coffee with a friend.
Who shares my weird enjoyment of wandering the aisles of World Market. Of course I found the wine aisle.
Fresh mango.
Nekter date with Emily. I was way too excited about a good acai bowl in northern Cali.
Deadlift and squat workout with my partner in crime from weightlifting class last semester who I was finally reunited with. I spared you the crazy face, but if you are dying to seeing it check out Instagram.
Post-workout Whole Foods protein smoothies and salads.
Sunday meal prep. Chicken breast, ground turkey, veggies, protein brownies, and unpictured brown rice. Protein brownie recipe can be found here.
Happy Monday!