As a wedding planner you probably have a Facebook Page for your wedding business in addition to your Facebook Personal Profile. Are you doing the most you can to attract quality fans to your Page? High quality fans turn into high quality leads and clients so if you haven’t done much work to add to your fan base, here are 4 tips that will help you:
1) Link your Personal Profile to your business Page.

Enter the name of your Page in the “about” section of your Personal Profile where you state the place you are currently working.
I’ve seen some new wedding planners put the name of the company they currently work for because they haven’t yet become full time planners but you should really use this as a place for you to link to your business.
2) Add your Page URL in your email signature

If you don’t yet have an email signature, please create one. You want to let brides know how to contact you so add your phone number along with links to your Facebook Page and other social media sites.
3) Be sure your Page URL is included on your business card
All of your printed marketing materials should have the URL for your website and your Facebook Page.
4) Add a “Like Box” to your website and/or blog
This is something I don’t see very often but is really effective for getting brides, who already interested enough in you to visit your website, to become Fans - and they don’t even have to leave your site to do it.

You can adjust the height and width of your box to fit your site design. You’ll find the code to add it on the Facebook Developers Page.
Try one of these ideas today or, if you have more ideas for attracting high-quality fans, please share them.
Check out Social Media Consultant Amy Porterfield to learn more about Facebook. (I’m not an affiliate, I just think she has great tips.)