You meet with a bride for the first time about planning her wedding. You’re enthusiastic and share great ideas but you can’t seem to get her to really connect with you. In the end, she doesn’t hire you.
Here are 3 reasons why this could have happen:
1) You started promoting yourself and your services too soon
I know you really want to impress a bride and tell her how you would perfect for her, but find out all about her first. Ask questions that lead her to telling you what she needs and wants and the wedding planning problems that keep her up at night, then offer the services right for her.
2) You already started planning her wedding
You don’t need to plan her wedding at a first meeting. When you do this she could believe she knows all you have to offer and use the ideas herself. What you need to do is establish yourself as an expert, by showing her your portfolio and testimonials, and help her to see that you and your services can solve her problems. Speak in big picture terms, don’t describe in detail everything you would do to plan her wedding.
3) You didn’t plan ahead for the meeting to be successful
You can’t expect a great meeting to just “happen.” Do research in your niche, keep up-to-date on the latest wedding trends so you are knowledgeable and prepare questions in advance that will draw out the information you need to know about a bride and her wedding vision. Also, decide how you will ask a bride to hire you and how you will explain the value your expertise and services if she is hesitant to make a commitment.
And if you want more help to become a top wedding planner, sign in to get my ezine “Wedding Planner Tips.”