Healthy Living Magazine

We Are All Beautiful And Unique Snowflakes

By Gjosefsberg @gjosefsberg

We Are All Beautiful And Unique SnowflakesOk, I’ll admit it, I occasionally read a blog by the name of fit bottomed girls.  First, because I like most of their articles and second because I really like fit bottomed girls :)  Now that I’ve confessed that horrible fact, let me introduce you to an article I recently read on FBG which I really enjoyed:

Can We Stop Talking Clothing Size Already?

The article talks about how we’re all different in the way our bodies are shaped.  Some of us are wider, some are longer, some are more muscular and some are heavier set.  Pretending that we’re all the same or that we all should aspire to the same body shape is ridiculous.  My friend who is 6’1″ weighs less than I do and yet I’m in better shape.  Why?  Because my shoulders are broader and I’m far more muscular.  Should I be concerned about that?  Of course not.

And to women everywhere, please believe me that us men don’t think you need to look like a Victoria’s Secret model to be beautiful.  We think you’re gorgeous and we love the fact that some of you are tall, some short, some slender and some curvy.  We love you and we love your body and we love your wonderful personality and we love your confidence and we love your sense of humor and so many other things as well, we’re just happy that you tolerate us



Also, I have yet to meet a man who really understands what women’s clothing sizes mean.  It’s like a horribly complex code setup to confuse us poor men as we try to shop for presents for the wonderful women in our lives.

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