Family Magazine

Want to Try out the NEW Bobux Xplorer for FREE? See Below

By Lilmumma08 @mummy2to0h
When your little one finds their feet, it certainly is a proud moment- I know it was for me. But then you quickly realize your house and belongings need to be totally child-proof as anything in their reach that can be touched and ruined will be.
My daughter never got the whole crawling thing, and was pulling herself up on things and walking that way until she was confident to let go and take those few steps.
Want to try out the NEW Bobux Xplorer for FREE? See BelowNot my little one.
I quickly noticed that those pretty shoes I once thought were super cute, were not doing good things for her and were making walking either A) Painful or B) Looking like a penguin waddling along as they weren’t the easiest to walk in. So I was on the hunt for shoes that would aid her in learning to take those steps, as well as not look so dorky.
I have only just come along a brand that makes these, yeah I know a little too late- but hey always better late then never. Because now I know about them I can tell you all about them, so you know for your little ones feet.
Want to try out the NEW Bobux Xplorer for FREE? See Below
Bobux Xplorer is what I am talking about here and I have a feeling once you try these you wont look back, they look like mini hikers shoes (super adorable, and comfortable).
Bobux has designed the Xplorerespecially for children who are “learning to walk”; sometimes walking - sometimes crawling. At the cutting edge of children’s fashion the Xplorer is made for parents that seek something different and appreciate great design.Want to try out the NEW Bobux Xplorer for FREE? See Below
The Xplorer is robust while being extremely lightweight and flexible. It allows the child’s foot to move unrestricted, while offering enough protection to keep their feet warm and dry. Although designed for children of the “learning to walk” stage, Bobux has had great wear-test results and feedback from children who wear these whilst walking full time.The Xplorer shoe will be launching worldwide in February 2015 - and Bobuxis looking for 120 Aussie mums to receive a special preview edition of the shoe before it arrives in Australia, allowing them to be the first in Australia to try this amazing new product.Want to try out the NEW Bobux Xplorer for FREE? See Below
So how would you like to be that lucky duck parent that is one of the first in Australia to try out the new Bobux Xplorer. They are looking for those little tootsies that are learning to walk or fresh on their feet.
Want to try out the NEW Bobux Xplorer for FREE? See Below
The 120 families who are selected will be contacted after January 19 to be advised that their free pair of Xplorers are coming and due to arrive in late January 2015.So how do you register? Simply head to follow their instructions. All it is, is a quick survey finding out a little bit more about you and you little pair of feet in the house. For me personally I don’t like buying shoes online as I am always afraid of buying a pair that just wont fit. But luckily a lot of websites and brands are clueing onto this and making it easier for the consumer to buy that shoe that fits by providing a cm table. Bobuxhas taken the hassle out of picking the right shoe size, so it makes life so much easier when buying savvy shoes.Now again beauties, if you want to try these shoes out your application must be in before the 5pm on Monday 19th January 2015 as this is when they will be closing the applications- so get in quick so you are not disappointed, I would hate for you to miss out on this great opportunity.

Want to try out the NEW Bobux Xplorer for FREE? See

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