Would you use a smartphone app to receive a video consultation with a doctor? Skipping the long queues and waiting times.. does it sound like a service you would pay for and use?
Yet again I was at the doctor's last week, for my Acne; it had flared up and was very sore and I was embarrassed to go out again. So I booked a doctor's appointment, and I was lucky to get one the following day. I had to bring Summer along with me as no one was available to look after her, and I had a to cancel a couple of work meetings. All because if I didn't take the appointment the following day, I would have to wait over another week for the next available appointment. 90 minutes later, and trying desperately to keep Summer entertained and quiet, failing miserably, she was very bored and getting very loud - I finally heard my name called out. Yes! here we go.
Quick 5 minutes with the doctor and I was prescribed antibiotics and we were off home.
With a whole morning missed, no wonder I avoid the doctors.
It was the other week when I see a television advert for the latest smartphone app 'Dr Now'. These apps offer immediate consultations and diagnosis/medication with a qualified doctor at the comfort of your own home/bed via video call for a small fee.
Wow.. sounds like something out of the future right?! But no, it is here and available now, and a service that is likely to grow as people start to trust it - As that is what it is, all about confidence and trust with using such a service and as the word gets out, and people start to use it more, I am sure in a few years time, consulting doctors via an app will be a convenient service used often.
However, as this is new, people are more likely to be wary.
Pryers Solicitorshave recently been carrying out some research into these new online doctor apps. They asked adults in the UK if they would be willing to use an app like this. Interestingly 68% said no. The full release can be found here.
My thoughts. I would use the app for myself, but when it comes to the children, I wouldn't, I would still want the presence of a doctor and therefore always opt for a surgery appointment when it comes to the children. The app service does involve a cost, roughly £25 for a consultation. I think depending on demographics, age, and lifestyle, this app will suit some and will be a welcomed convenience, but for others it would definitely not be a considered option.