Personalised Garden Trays
So with a left over tin of paint, a few brightly color match pots, paint brushes and my nieces stencils we set to work - indoors. That British weather strikes again! Just as well there is plenty of room on the kitchen table.No need to paint a coat of primer on these boxes, rustic is good. So straight on with a coat of paint which was then left it dry. Then using a pencil and stencil we all mark on our chosen words. We all also added our favorite extra stencil of an insect or fruit. I could not resist a gardening hashtag. Using a thin paint brush we all, with a steady hand, carefully painted over our writing. I think my niece did a fantastic job painting her strawberries and snail.
Painting Your Own Garden Tray
What great fun, and don't they look great! Why not paint a little fun into your garden.