Well, we might have forgotten about it but 'Vlad the Impaler' hasn't. At his instigation the Russo-separatists in Eastern Ukraine have re-launched their efforts to encompass the totality of eastern Ukraine. Their aim now is to capture the city-port of Mariupol which is the last major city in the Donetsk region still under the control of the Kiev government. If and when that falls, the Ukraine government will have no important centres in the east of their country and the Russians will be able to approach any future peace talks on the basis that 'possession is nine tenths of the law'!
I read elsewhere that 'Vlad' faces potential internal threats from two groups. First, the oligarchs who are suffering mightily with the falling oil prices and sanctions; and secondly, the military-security cabal who actually run Russia. It's not too difficult for him to choose whom to placate - the oligarchs can weep over their worthless petro-roubles and that's about all, but the thugs and murderers in the security apparat can actually kill you, as 'Vlad' knows from experience! Thus, throwing his weight behind a fresh impetus for the Russian rebels in Ukraine is a given.