Diet & Weight Magazine

Two Burgers

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
Two BurgersLow-Carb Cheeseburger 57 Strict low carb Medium 20 + 15 m20 minutes preparation 15 minutes cooking time Two Burgers

So I'm currently taking our two-week low-carb challenge myself, mostly to see how we can simplify it even more. My girlfriend usually does most of the cooking, but these two weeks it's going to be me cooking every day. Our kids are going along as well.

Yesterday was the first dinner. And OK, so my low-carb burger did not turn out exactly like the picture to the left, but I've gotta say it was damned good. Am pleased with the plan so far.

Take the two-week low-carb challenge

Are you taking our low-carb challenge? What do you think so far?

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