Hair & Beauty Magazine

Turquiose Tie Dye

By Pinkandpolished
Let's get real right now. Like really real. I was SO SCARED of trying this tie dye design. Literally laugh all you want, I have no idea where this fear came from, I'm always ready to tackle a new design idea but for some reason this tie dye design scared me, I really didn't think I could do it. Some times I'm absolutely ridiculous ;) 

But I persevered through my absurd fear and created this fun and surprisingly easy turquiose tie dye design. Gosh, I'm so silly. Anyways I started out this design with a base of China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle. When it was dry I took Sinful Colors Snow Me White and created the first swirl. I went back over that swirl with SMW using small horizontal lines. I made a swirl right next to the white one using China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise and the same technique. Finally used China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle to go back over the open space with small lines. I sealed everything in with a layer of Sech Vite and the design was finished. 

Turquiose Tie Dye
Turquiose Tie Dye
Turquiose Tie Dye
I so wish I tried out this design sooner! It's such a fun technique and I want to try out so many different color combinations!

What color combinations would you guys want to see? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks loves :) 
Turquiose Tie Dye

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