Diet & Weight Magazine

“Turning Down a Few Carbs Is a Fair Exchange for Feeling Healthy, Positive, Energetic and Overall Good”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Is it possible to lose 60 lbs in only 6 months on LCHF - even in spite of life long struggles with dieting? To find out, you should read Adeelee's fantastic story:

A little over six months ago when I started my journey with LCHF I remember perusing the site and reading success stories others had shared and I thought to myself - when I lose all the weight, I'll share my story too... It's a little surreal thinking the moment is here.

I have had a lifetime of weight problems. I remember feeling "fat" by first grade and I started actively trying to lose weight by the time I was a teen. I had tried dozens of diets, anywhere from straightforward calorie counting to odd ones like the grapefruit diet. My mother provided organic, healthy, minimally processed options at home. I have just always adored carbs and sugar - I would chose those options above all else. And those cravings had me turn to a cycle of binging and purging by the time I was done with college. I felt I was in a terrible cycle I couldn't stop. I felt I was doomed to be fat forever.

Years went by and I eventually turned 30. I was engaged and determined to lose weight. I started exercising more than ever, 6 days a week for hours at a time. I juiced for most of my meals and otherwise was severely calorie restricting myself. A year and a half of being hungry and working out constantly and I managed to lose 45 lbs (20 kg). I felt great and life was better than ever.

Right after my wedding I was blessed to get pregnant. My body had spent little more than a couple of months at the new lower weight. My exercise routine diminished more and more as did my self control with food. Before I knew it, I was at 40 weeks pregnant and had gained 60 lbs (27 kg). After I gave birth it only got worse. Initially, I lost about 20 lbs (9 kg) but then gained it back plus 10 lbs (5 kg) more. I was at a new all time high.

This was when I gave up. I tried losing weight as I had before but was too overworked and exhausted to make juices and having a baby prevented me from being at the gym all the time as I once had. Three months of these failed attempts and I was only down 9 lbs (4 kg). I was very depressed.

That's when I found your site with the video about the food revolution. I had googled something about "low carb" and eventually found your site. I watched the movie - realized how much everything sounded like me - and decided to give this eating style a try. I began binging on the videos on your site instead of food. Every time I had a sugar craving I watched a video.

The first week I lost 6 lbs (3 kg). After three months 35 lbs (16 kg) and now at 6 months I have lost 60 lbs (27 kg). I am 5 lbs (2 kg) away from my goal.

The first week I lost 6 lbs (3 kg). After three months 35 lbs (16 kg) and now at 6 months I have lost 60 lbs (27 kg). I am 5 lbs (2 kg) away from my goal.

The weight loss has enabled me to be in control of my life. I can eat and not be hungry; I feel great in my smaller size; my digestive problems have gone away; my acid reflux has stopped... I feel healthy and wonderful and it's thanks to everything that I learned from you. I cannot thank you enough, Doctor.

I wish I had known how once I found the ability to turn down carbs and sugar it would only get easier, bit harder. I wish I would have known how sick I would feel when I tried to "reward myself" with carbs on a special occasion. I wish for others to know how many options there are when you are LCHF - you can go out and enjoy and live life. And turning down a few carbs is a fair exchange for feeling healthy, positive, energetic and overall good.



What an amazing story Adeelee! We're so glad that you've find a low-carb way of eating that suits you.

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A Low-Carb Diet for Beginners How to Lose Weight


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