Yes, you’ve read correctly – the Miracle Machine does turn water into wine. For all of the wine lovers out there (and smartphone users), this could be the next best thing since sliced bread.
You add yeast, the concentrate and 600 ml of water into the machine and start the process!
The Miracle Machine is a device that has been designed so that you can make wine a lot more quickly and at home. It requires the minimum of effort and all you need is the Miracle Machine, water and a few extra ingredients.
You can put the Miracle Machine on any table or a flat surface and it’s made of eco-friendly material. You control it via a mobile app that guides you through the winemaking process and monitors it. The whole process takes only three days and the best thing is that it saves you money.
The app will notify you when your wine is ready.
So, if you love wine and technology, read more about the Miracle Machine at its official website: