They do try, my God, they really do try over and over and over again but somehow the mouth-breathing nose-pickers who waste their time and my money by idling away the daylight hours inside so-called Social Services offices still never quite reach the bottom of their pit of utter, brainless stupidity. This, from the BBC, says it all:
A couple have had three foster children removed from their care because they belong to the UK Independence Party.
Rotherham Borough Council said the children were "not indigenous white British" and that it had concerns about UKIP's stance on immigration.
And this from:
Rotherham Borough Council's Strategic Director of Children and Young People's Services, Joyce Thacker [shome mishtake, surely, that should be 'Thicker'!], told the BBC she did not regret the decision, which was reached after "a lot of soul searching".
No, dear, it's not your "soul" that you should be searching for but your intelligence and I'm sure that if you set the whole department looking for it over the next few weeks someone will find it and no one will notice your absence in the mean time.
Mind you, I suppose that Ms. Thicker Thacker must have been 'busy' searching for her soul when all those Asian sex-grooming gangs were gang-banging teen-age girls in Rotherham for years and her department did absolutely nothing!
Sometimes, just sometimes, this blog is lost for words - or at least, words that are printable.