Hair & Beauty Magazine

True Fitness Review (Gym Adventures)

By Ireviewuread

I’m back with the gym adventures and today we are going to review True Fitness!


Located on the 4th floor of a secluded and small-scaled mall at Ang Mio Kio, Djitsun Mall, True Fitness is a gym where multi-coloured lights would overwhelmed you.

When my friend and I first arrived at their location, I thought we’d reached the wrong location. Greeted with blue and purple lights,True Fitness’s appeal was definitely not what I expected from a gym. In fact more from a club or an entertainment facility. With that, we hesitantly stepped out of the lift. True Fitness is located such that when the lift doors open, you will appear at the entrance of their gym with their front desk’s staffs staring at you.

Upon alighting, we noticed that there was a barrier preventing the public from entering the gym. In order for their members to exit or enter, they are required to tap in and out their cards; quite similar to the system in the Singapore train stations. Since we only have guests passes and not a membership pass, we were required to project our voice over the loud stereo system to explain our situation.

After awhile, the person at their front desk gave up and we were let in to sort out our situation. Subsequently, once the situation was sorted out, we were given directions to the locker room.


Upon entering the locker room, a blaze of pink light addressed us along with lines of lockers and barely dressed ladies. Despite the small-scaled gym, I’m quite impressed with the gadgets and furnishings provided in the locker room. There are three sections of lockers which you can choose from: first 2 sections are for people who bring their own padlocks while the last sections are for the VIPs. These VIPs were entitled to have a locker with a built in lock.

At the side of these lockers were a length of mirror with rows of hair dryer, cotton buds and tissue for the members convenience. Alongside to that, there was a water cooler fountain, a row of toilet cubicles and two rows of shower cubicles. In the middle of all these, there was even a sauna for members to access.

The sauna was covered in white ceramic tiles causing the room to look like a toilet without an actual toilet bowl. Platforms poking out of the walls were used as seats. Droplets of water drizzled as cold air kisses the hot air when the door open. All in all, I felt that this sauna does it’s job in keeping in the heat but the white ceramic tiles covering the room was definitely not my taste. On top of that, let’s not mention the constant rain that caused me to question myself if I’m in a wet weather situation or in a sauna.

Enough of the sauna rant, let’s move on to the other parts of the gym.


As I hopped onto their red walkway in access to their equipments, one word keep hitting me over and over again as I make my way to them: Cramped. Everything was side by side with little space given as possible. It felt like as if I was there to buy the equipments instead of using them. Despite that,I would like to applaud them for having a spinning room. This spinning room was mend for on the spot bike cycling sessions.

Entertainment screens were installed on most of the gym facilities. Music, video watching, web browsing and television browsing could be done on these screen. A downside to this is that their video and television channels tend to lag.


Apart from providing the equipments, True Fitness also offers a number of classes for their members to partake in. One of the classes which they offer is Street Jazz.


Held at the main studio, Street Jazz is a dance class which requires you to learn and remember a set of dance moves. This set of moves would be repeated throughout the class. Altogether I felt that Street Jazz is too much work and too rigid for my liking. Nevertheless, I did picked up some moves from the repetitious act which I did. 

Other then Street Jazz, I also tried out Pilates and their esteemed Yoga class. Since both these classes were not as vigorous, they were held in their enclosed Yoga studio. Positioned at the corner of the gym, this slightly sound proof studio had it’s floor evenly laid out with yoga mats. On one side of the wall, stood a huge mirror. Right in front of it was a slightly elevated stage for the instructor to sit. At the other side of the room was a full length window for members to relax and take in the greenery as they keep their mind and body at peace. 

Overall, what I really like about the Yoga class is the patient instructor. Throughout the class the instructor not only calmly spell out each and every step, but she also went round correcting the mistakes made by us. It was really nice to know that an instructor was there to guide you through the proper steps of Yoga. I can see why True Fitness’s Yoga is so reputable.

Pilates on the other hand was not that relaxing. Packed with people, Pilates was a rigorous workout for your abs, tights and arms. By the time I was out of the studio, I swear my abs were burning. Despite my burning abs, I would definitely recommend Pilates for those looking to train your problem areas eg. Stomach, Arms & Legs. For those of you who want to try out Pilates at home, I would recommend Blogilates. Cassey’s video ranges from basic to advanced so take your pick and try out some Pilates at home!


After working out, it’s finally time to have a break. We made out way to the resting area. filled with round tables and lines of sofa, I noticed the lights behind the sofa started to change colour. Looks like we are back to the disco after a break. In any case, I headed towards their tiny regeneration area which only offers free hot green tea and plain water. For energy drinks or any other drinks, you are required to purchase it from their vending machine.

Finally, a week of trail, our time there were done and it’s time for us to go.

Overall here are the Pros and Cons of True Fitness:

~ Pros ~

  • Ample space in the locker room
  • Variety of classes
  • Patient Yoga teacher
  • Free Wifi
  • No Hard selling (This situations is dependent on which gym facilitator you were assigned to)
  • Week-long trail

~ Cons ~

  • The front desk always seemed too overwhelmed to handle the guests queries.
  • The only way to check out their class schedule was online. There may be schedules pasted outside the main studio but those are outdated.
  • Cramped.
  • Not a fan of multicolored lights

If you have any questions or like for me to try out another Gym leave a comment below, in the meantime this is a pause to my gym adventures. Stay tune to my next adventures!

You can sign up for your week long of free trail HERE

Check out my last gym adventures post HERE where I reviewed Fitness First.

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