Fitness Magazine

Training My Kids

By Khourianya @khourianya
This year, my kids are "running" the Sport Chek Mother's Day Run with me and hubby.  They've enjoyed past years from the comfort of their stroller but we sold the stroller last summer.  So they have no choice but to run.  And they are super excited about it.
My initial plan was to modify couch to 5k and actually do an 8 week training plan with them...but a late start to spring in these parts meant there weren't safe enough conditions out here in Langdon to actually take them out for a run.
So, with my long run swapped to tomorrow and my being on kid duty today..and the BEAUTIFUL day...we HAD to go for a run.
and I was a bad blogger.  I didn't even bring my camera with me :(  I wish I had.  There were so many magical moments that are now just captured in my brain. Like these:
  • Meeting every dog along the way and listening to Doodle approach them and ask, ever so politely "Excuse me.  May I please pet your puppy?
  • Discovering a ladybug on the pathway and stopping to let it crawl between their fingertips
We stopped and played at a couple of playgrounds.   We walked and talked more than we ran.   I ran laps around the park.
In the end - I got in a whopping 16 mins/km.  Not breaking any records there...but it was a lovely way to pass a saturday morning with my daughters.
And for comedy's sake - the Garmin Geekery
Training My Kids
I think we'll do it again next week too...that should prep them fairly well for the race.
Psst - it's not too late to join our family team for the race.  Just email me for details on how to register.  Joining our team saves you $5 off the regular registration fee.

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