Due to many commitments and many works for the wedding, brides usually forget many things which are must on the wedding day. Once all the things are packed for the wedding from beginning to end, it is easy to forget the checklists and stressed out on the last minute. So, for you to get rid out of the stress, here are some top important things, which we found out that most of the brides tend to forget according to our research.

1. The marriage certificate: In our research, the most forgettable thing on the wedding is the marriage certificate. Assign the work on getting the certificate at the right time on the right place to a person, whom you think will do the perfect job.

2. Travel Bags: If you plan your honeymoon immediately after the reception, then you should have your travel bags purchased in advance. Also, keep all the necessary items like the check books, passport, credit cards and tickets at one place and get them packed a couple of days before the wedding.

3. A back-up CD: If you plan for a DJ or a band on the wedding day, get ready with an extra CD, which is full of the best wedding and love songs. You can have this in the emergency kit.
4. Ceremony Detail: You can have some very personal items to the celebration, which makes all the difference. Some of these are a copy of the vows, memorial candle, wedding bands, flower girl basket and some matches.

5. Photographer Detail: On the wedding day, whatever you plan, you might forget easily if you will not assign to a person and the day goes off very quickly that you miss many shots with your best friends. Get a list of the important photos and share the same to the photographer. Also, tell him to take all the details like the wedding rings, bride’s bouquet, etc…

6. Vendor Contact list: If you planned your wedding with different vendors make sure that you keep all the contact numbers of the vendors in a separate book. Keep this book in the emergency kit in before hand.

7. Undergarments: These are other important things which you tend to easily forget on the wedding day. If you have a different dress for wedding and another dress at the time of arrival to the venue, then you should have a pair of undergarments in the emergency kit.

8. Make-up and hair detail: Even though you got everything done before you reached to the wedding venue, you have to catch all the make-up and hair details along with you to the wedding. If something happens at the time, you can immediately change everything with in no time if you have the details with you.

10. A point person: It is so difficult for you to look after all the things on the wedding day. So, assign everything to a person, who can take care of everything even you don’t care about it. The person might be your nearest and dearest uncle or friend.