As the days are going, traditional weddings are going out of fashion and every boy and girl plans something unique for their wedding. Nowadays, almost every park in the city, medium sized hotel, ranch or even stately home has the wedding license. The special day is planned very carefully by the two individuals without anyone’s involvement. Everyone is making their own dream location a venue and getting married accordingly. Let’s take a look at some top unusual wedding venues.
1. Marrying in Space: This is one that actually didn’t happen, but Richard Branson is trying to make it, so it will probably happen in the coming days. This British billionaire, who is the founder of the Virgin Empire and an owner of the Necker Island, is one who is trying hard to push economic space trips. He actually indicated his intention about marrying in space, but due to the global financial crisis has kept his dream in hold, while Branson will never leave this opportunity to any others and will promote this globally.

2. On the outer surface of the Plane: This was the first wedding that took place in Britain of this kind. One British couple fascinated to get marry on the outer surface of the plane in 2008. Actually, the bride stood on the wing of one plane, the groom on the wing of another plane and the priest on the wing of another plane. Almost one hundred enjoyed this from the ground and listened to the promises in loud speakers. They have exchanged their rings before the take off of the flights.
3. Mount Everest Peak: In 2005, a Nepalese couple hit the news when they first got marriage on the top of the Mount Everest. This wedding mainly contains going on top of the Mount Everest, removing their Oxygen masks, kissing each other and immediately putting their masks and headed off back to their place. These couple spent almost ten minutes for this moment.

4. Zero Gravity Wedding: In June 2009, two wealthy space extremists made this record of becoming the first couple to getting married in the zero gravity conditions. The wedding party was attended in blue jump suits, while the bride wore planets shaped earrings and the groom wore spacecraft shaped cufflinks. This wedding has happened in a zero gravity space craft in Boeing 727-200 flight, which is a company that offers zero gravity space experiences.

5. North Pole Wedding: William Browning and Alexis Fredrick were the first couple to put ice bar wedding and exchanged their promises in the North Pole in an expedition in the year 2009.

6. Married Underwater: there were many people who love to marry underwater as there are many underwater divers. If you are actually planning to marry underwater, then you have to select a place, where the water is clear and where there are diving companies which offers these services.

7. Married in a Plane: This is one of the best experiences, where the Company owner Coco Jones and her partner Dimitious Papagonas got married in the year 2007 in the Virgin Airways and the wedding was by the famous Virgin Tycoon Sir Richard Branson. Since then there are number of couples who have planned and are planning to get their wedding in a plane.

8. The Local Zoo: This is one, which I have really surprised to rather than anyone. It seems that the entire zoos around the world have been expanding an doing a howling trade in weddings. One of these kinds of zoo is the Chester Zoo in England, which offers all these kinds of ceremonies where once the wedding is completed, guests were taken for a tour in the zoo.

9. McDonalds Wedding: This is certainly unusual to marry at a McDonald’s restaurant. Tyree Henderson and Trisha Esteppe exchanged their vows in the year 2006 at the famous McDonalds restaurant. They used to work in the restaurant and started their journey of love in 2003. All the guests and the customers just appraised their wedding as the best and the wonderful wedding ever happened.

10. Sub Zero Temperatures: The trend has been changing and now, most of the couples were exchanging their vows at sub zero temperatures that too in ice bars. In London we can find the Absolut Ice Bar which is especially meant for weddings, which has been registered for the couple who exchange their vows.