In case you’ve been living under the rock, by now you should have know this Korean based brand, Too Cool For School have arrived Singapore. With it’s creatively designed products displayed all around it’s shop, it’s hard for an art and beauty enthuse not to bring home one of their products yet alone be attracted in.
With that, I dropped by their Far East plaza outlet:
14 Scotts Road
and after much deliberation, I purchased a wonderfully scented body lotion:

Rules of Body - Moringa Perfume body lotion

Attached around it’s neck is this charming tag with a sticker to indicate that I’ve successfully purchased the lotion.

Designed all around it’s bottle are purple floral doodles to illustrate that Moringa is actually a type of plant.

The body lotion is creamy but could be easily absorbed into the skin after spreading it evenly. Upon application, I felt that this lotion helps my skin be soft and smooth. It also helps my skin keep cool.
As a person who focal point of a product is it’s scent, I got to say, I felt in love with the Moringa scent on the first whiff of this lotion! Strong, creamy, flowery and calming are definitely phrases I can use to describe it’s scent. It’s so addictive I can’t stop smelling my hands once I apply the lotion!

Upon purchase of the lotion, I got myself their free membership card.

Overall, I would give The Moringa Perfume 4 and a half IreviewUread smiles.
Easily absorbed, thick and great white flower aroma are distinct factors one can use to describe the lotion. However, a down factor which I like to bring up on the lotion is: Why you so pricey?
I honestly, forgotten how much this little bomb cost but I remembered that it was not cheap. This is definitely a case where you pay for what you get.
Check out their Facebook page HERE and their Homepage HERE
Psst. You can play mini games on their Homepage!