This is a perfect gift children to craft up for a Mothers Day gift. Even better, it also makes a great container in which to pop in a few extra treats if you want.

This is an easy craft to do and the result is a very cool gift. Start off with a clean empty glass jar.

You will also need a pile of torn up tissue bits and some glue.

Glue the tissue onto the outside of the jar. Some extra glue may be needed to smooth all the bits down.

Then pop a tealight into it. We used one of our cheap and cheerful battery powered ones. In the picture below there is one inside the jar and one beside it. A normal lit tealight works really well too, but the battery one is safer and easier.

This is so effective. But I also like that you could put little items like soaps, chocolate, little messages or work vouchers in it as well as a tea-light as a gift.