Humor Magazine

'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier ... Ghost'!

By Davidduff

So George Blake, born George Behar of a Dutch mother and an Egyptian-Jewish father, is 90 years old.  I confess that if I had ever thought about him at all I would have assumed he had died years ago but not so according to The Mail which tells us that he lives comfortably in a flat in Moscow with his Dacha in the countryside, in other words, he lives the very comfortable life of a typical, bourgeois, Marxist commissar and I wonder if the irony, not to say, the tragedy, of it ever occurs to him?  He chose Marxism as his creed whilst fairly young which was a sign of his immaturity, but then he continued in its service whilst an adult which was indicative of his infantile stupidity.  The fact that he married and fathered three sons whom he deserted demonstrated his massive egotism.  I can only hope that the incontrovertible and, for him, deeply uncomfortable fact that his beloved Soviet Union is no more and that Mother Russia has reverted to type and is now ruled by a fascist gangster mob makes him weep nightly.  I doubt he sheds many tears for the men he betrayed and who died for an ideal far greater than his.  I can only hope he eventually dies of a particularly painful, long and lingering cancer!

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