Fitness Magazine

Three Things Thursday

By Khourianya @khourianya
1) I woke up this morning completed devoid of energy.  I have a sneaking suspicion that the plague that hit my family a few weeks ago is trying to attack me now.  So I am vitamin loading to delay it as long as possible.  I think I can eke out a few more days...
Three Things Thursday
Nothing is allowed to bog this Bluebird down before Saturday's relay!  NOTHING!!!!!
(in other news - feeling like this makes me happy I have the 7k leg...not the 13k one...just sayin)
2) It looks like I am back on the bus for NaNoWriMo this year!
Three Things Thursday
Hubby planted an idea seed that's been bugging me as it takes root and convincing Keith to sign on somehow convinced me I should try again. If you are planning to join up this year too - let me know.   We are already envisioning weekend runs followed by cafe word war-ing for the month of November!
I've set up a tab on the blog for this year's NaNo adventure...and a Google Plus group for any NaNo writing runners who want to join us :) (just request access through the link).
And if you want to follow along on Twitter, we'll be tweeting with the hashtag #runwrimorun
3) AND a little Throwback Thursday for y'all since I stumbled on these the other day...
This weekend signifies 11 years together for me and hubby...this is us at a wedding almost exactly 10 years ago.  We are practically babies in it!  He's so gonna kill me for posting that...though I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually follow so what he doesn't know can't hurt him :P Shhhhhh.
Three Things Thursday
and this one of me was a school assignment on lighting around the same time...
Three Things Thursday

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