Fitness Magazine

Three Things Thursday

By Khourianya @khourianya
1) Dieting
After a rough week with a few sugar breakdowns and the scale climbing up in climbing back to where I was before my first Dietbet :(
So, I'm back on the wagon.  JS told me about a DietBet she decided to join and I figured I should do it too.  Still trying to figure out my reward if I win...
Wanna join us in another month of insanity?  You only need to lose 4% of your body weight to win your share of the pot!   Click here to join -  it starts today!
2) Volunteering
I have been in contact with the Weaselhead Preservation Society and will be volunteering with them next Thursday - likely to assess damages to the trails in there.  I am still trying to get more details but there is a possibility we might be able to use more people.  This would be a good one for people who might not be able to do heavy lifting.  I'll keep you all posted.
I still have a couple of days next week open for volunteering so I will keep hunting down opportunities.   I drove by the south end of Fish Creek park today and was in tears over how bad it is down there.  There will be a ton of work to do at the cleanup on July 13.
3) Subscribing
Ok - I've been a remiss blogger.   Google Reader is shutting down on Monday so, if you are a subscriber who uses them, you will need to resubscribe elsewhere.  I have switched over to Feedly and they are doing a "one click" Google reader import so it can be a seamless transition.  If you use Bloglovin - you can also find me there. I'm not a big fan of their interface, but some of you might like it just fine.
Just make sure you act this weekend so you won't lose your entire feed list.

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