Fitness Magazine

Three Things Thursday

By Khourianya @khourianya
1) So far so good with the new Dayhome.

My new commute kind of sucks, but the girles are settling in nicely.   Ok - and by kind of...I actually mean TOTALLY. but whatevs.  I'll adjust.
In the meantime, the girlies have a whole new crew of friends to play with and are loving it as they learn the ropes and rules.
2) I am getting super duper duper excited about Vancouver

Just over a week and I am there!   I am so excited to spend time with all of my friends (both old and yet to be made in real life)
And with the recent monsoons in Calgary...I am considering it climate-training for the trip :P
and, I already feel like we didn't book enough days out there.  Good thing we have a longer trip planned for next year.
3) Marathon Thwarted
So, yeah.  My next marathon was going to be Calgary Marathon next year for the 50th.  June 1st.  I was going to do it for Team Diabetes.
But now my cousin has chosen her wedding date and location..May Punta Cana.  The flights return June 1, but I am doubting that flying through Toronto we'll be able to make it back in time for a 7am marathon start.  Boo. (though I am super excited for my cousin's wedding. I do not get to see that side of the family often enough so there is no way we are missing out there!)
But now I need to find another marathon...part of me is thinking about Banff in 2014...another part of me wants to think about maybe a trail marathon next year.  Lots of things to take my mind off the fact I'll be missing Calgary's big year.

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