Fitness Magazine

This Is A Super Lame Blog Post

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey Loveys,
Today was kind of a crappy day for me. I woke up with a poooounding headache. I checked my blood sugars and found that I had a little bit of low blood sugar so I treated it with some juice and dragged my butt into the shower. I still had the massive headache when I got out so I sent a BBM to my boss and let her know I was cashing in a sick day... It was so insane. I never get headaches so I don't know what was going on. Needless to say I spent most of the day in bed napping/sleeping until now!
I had the curtains closed and when I came out of the bedroom, looked out of the patio doors and saw this.
This Is A Super Lame Blog Post
It's spring now... why is it still snow storming? You can't even see the CN Tower in that picture and I live right beside it.... Oy vey.
So in my last post I told you about doing Cindy.. Today I'm still ridiculously sore. Yesterday when I was feeling better I decided to do some cardio so I picked the stepper to try and loosen up my legs. When I was done I went over to the stretching area to stretch them out and foam roll them. I stretched out my legs and quads, but for some reason, they weren't hurting like I thought the would when I stretched them out.
But then...
I hit up the foam roller and could barely put my bodyweight on it. I started with my quads and I usually roll really slowly, but I literally couldn't yesterday. I was actually laughing to myself to keep from crying while trying to roll out the kinks (knots) in my quads. Today it's no better. I can't even lean my elbow against my quad and put my head in my hand. It's awful. So obviously I didn't exercise today which was a good thing I think. So we'll see tomorrow how I feel and what I end up doing... I'm definitely going to attempt to foam roll no matter what. I hope I don't cry.
On a good note, yesterday I got my test results back from my second test I submitted and found out I got 85% on it! Woohoooo! The test was on Nutritional Symptomology II, basically what foods/herbs/vitamins/minerals to use to help aid different medical situations. I was a bit nervous about that test because my first test was all multiple choice/true false, but that test was a lot of written out answers so I wasn't totally sure how I would do. Anyways - turned out well!! And I'm now working on my next test so we'lll see how that goes. It's Anatomy & Physiology .... which is like the hardest ever. It's going to take me forever, but oh well.
I woke up to Ellen on the TV today and Maklemore was performing his song Same Love. I semi-like Maklemore.... I enjoy his Thrift Shop song... but there's this one song that I've heard of his that is SUPER vulgar so it made me dislike him... but then I heard this song and it made me like him again. Take a listen..

It's a song about equal love and gay rights. So nice! Tell me if you like it!
This is a super lame blog post and I don't have much to share.... I'm sorry about that lol. Am I getting boring? I think I'm going to vlog tomorrow, so stay tuned!

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