Health Magazine

The Wonders of Being an Introvert

By Darcsunshine


As an introvert, you have lots of advantages in life. Granted, you may not feel that way when you’re forced to make small talk with strangers at an inane social event, but you really do possess enviable qualities. 

Extroverts tend to hop quickly from one activity to another. On the upside, this means that they have lots and lots of fun experiences. But on the downside, it means that they sometimes miss out on life’s quieter pleasures.

If you’re an introvert, on the other hand, you tend to think more deeply and move a little more slowly. And that allows you to admire a spider’s web, contemplate a poem, or even take a little time to smell that rose. 

Extroverts usually have a very wide circle of friends. However many of the people they count as friends are really just casual acquaintances.

You, on the other hand, tend to form deep, strong bonds with a few carefully selected people. As a result, you create long-lasting relationships with friends who adore you — even if you never return their phone calls. Extroverts often rush optimistically into the unknown. But as a deep-thinking introvert, you’re big on facts. So before you jump into a new adventure — whether it’s starting your own business, getting married, or moving to a new city — you do your research. And that means you’ll probably say “oops” a lot less often than your extroverted friends. 

A friend of mine once went to a lecture at a zoo given by a quiet but enthusiastic entomologist. Afterward, I asked how it went. “Wow,” my friend replied, “that guy sure knows his stink bugs.”

Like this bug expert, introverts are often deeply knowledgeable about the topics that interest them. That’s because introverts love learning, and they enjoy spending hours gathering facts. So no matter what topic fascinates you — whether it’s Moroccan cooking, steam engines, or stink bugs — other people are likely to view you with respect as an authority. 

One of the most common comments that people make about introverts is that they’re enigmatic or mysterious. And that’s kind of cool, isn’t it?


The wonders of being an introvert
The wonders of being an introvert
The wonders of being an introvert

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