Humor Magazine

The Sunday Rumble: 9.3.14

By Davidduff

I have left the "Hostages" to their fate:  I tried, dammit, I tried!  I knew it was an absurdity from the very beginning - the family of a famous surgeon in Washington held hostage so that she can kill the president as she conducts some minor surgery on him.  As far as I can tell there is not just a double-cross in this higgledy-piggledy story, there are a series of multi-crosses and I have now run out of fingers to count them all!  Pity, because I was really hoping the tread-head kids 'would get what was coming' because I loathed them so much.  In fact, now I think about it, the body count is amazingly low, just one nurse so far.  Ah well, now I will never know.


But I am persevering with "True Detective":  Even though the dialogue remains impenetrable!  Not only is it muttered through barely opened mouths in a deep southern drawl, but also the Matthew McConaughey character is given screeds of cod-philosophy-psychology nonsense to drone out at length.  Why do I watch it?  Two reasons, really.  First, I am fascinated - and repelled - by the Gulf shoreline scenery of Louisana which might actually be improved by a nuclear bomb or three!  Then there is the cover story - that is, the story of the murder that is being investigated took place some years previously but now the two investigators are themselves being investigated but it is not yet clear why, so we flash back and forth in time.  We shall see.


By the little things shall you know them:   Yes, yes, of course, I know you you all suspected some time ago that 'Dim Dave' was, er, dim but sometimes in this busy-busy world we need a reminder - a confirmation, perhaps - just so we do not forget.  here you have it:

The Sunday Rumble: 9.3.14

A carefully posed 'selfie' taken by our Prime Minister whilst allegedly 'talking' to the President of the United States.  Actually, it looks as though 'Boring Barack' is doing the talking and 'Dave' is doing the listening and here, at least, he has my sympathy because were the POTUS to bid me 'Good day' I suspect I would be asleep by the second word!  That 'Dave' was dim enough to release this laughable image, which has since become a global joke, is all you need to have your worst fears concerning his lack of intelligence confirmed in spades.  However, I would like to take advantage of his dimwittery by offering you all a competition.  I want you all to imagine a cartoon-style bubble coming out of his mouth and for you to write in it what 'Dim Dave' is actually thinking or is about to say.  I will begin with this:

"Barack - who?  No, no, I already have an immigrant servant but thank you for calling."


More rumbles later . . .


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