Hollande will be 'gummed' alive by the 'sansdents': I don't know if François Hollande intends to run again for the presidency when his current term runs out but my advice would be to go into exile! We all know what the sans-culottes did to their leaders back in the 19th century and their successors today, the 'sansdents' ('the toothless'), the poor people of France so described by their president whom they foolishly believed loved and cared for and about them will take every opportunity to have their revenge. His former lover has well and truly blown his hypocritical cover and for this Mde. Trierweiler deserves the Legion of Honour. I am prepared to pin it to her breast myself if I can stop my hands trembling! Summary at The Telegraph.
An 'ice-bucket' treatment for you all: "Febrile"! I do love that word, it's so onomatopoeic - and I love that word, too, but I'm not going to explain it to you, look it up yourselves and have your answers on my desk by Monday morning or else! Were was I? Oh yes, 'febrile', you can almost feel the vibration in it, can't you?, and Dan Hodges in The Telegraph uses it to describe one end of the atmospheric spectrum in parliament which regularly switches to and from febrile to becalmed and back again. At the moment all is excitement as the world and his uncle assume that following Douglas Carswell's desertion to UKIP and the imminent by-election in Clacton then 'Dim Dave' and the Tory party are doomed. Not so, avers Mr. Hodges, in an article which will be a sweet melody to those in Downing Street who have heard nothing but the sombre beat of the funeral march for the past week or so. A mere storm in a Westminster teacup, says Mr. Hodges, none of the fundamentals has altered and,he reminds us, the vast majority of the electorate wouldn't recognize Mr. Carswell if they tripped over him, and UKIP are still at 14% in the polls, the same as they were in the early Summer. To paraphrase Cpl. Jones, 'Don't panic, Capt. Cameron'!'
More rumbles later . . .