Whither America? No sooner did I post 'The Good News' on the Great Republic as announced by Mr. Daniel Drezner yesterday when I read 'The Bad News' as forecast by Mr. Doug Bandow in The American Spectator:
This year’s deficit has fallen from outer space to the upper atmosphere. That’s
good, but only a very modest first step. Moreover, without real budget reform,
future deficits will rocket back upward. In short, the budget crisis is not over. In fact, it has only just begun.
This blog remains resolutely irresolute, shifting and shuffling in circles around the centre, in line with its new editorial policy which lays down that it will adamantly refuse to forecast anything ever again on the grounds of terminal embarrassment!
The ultimate in soppiness? Did you miss it - didja? - didja? Well you should be ashamed if last weekend you failed to stand silent with head bowed, or perhaps lay prostrate on the ground gently beating Mother Earth and begging her forgiveness for the slaughter of, er, bees. Oh yes, the bees, those nasty, bad tempered, buzzing thingies that give you a painful sting when you try to weed your flower beds. Well, the daft good people of Oregan, USA held a memorial service last weekend in memory of 50,000 bees - and, no, I didn't count them and nor do I know who did - who were slaughtered by the use of insecticides which were used, of course, to provide food for, er, people. Anyway, it's not too late so, altogether now:
Well, buzz, buzz, buzz goes the bumble bee
Tweedle, deedle, dee goes the bird . . .
More rumbles will ensue in due course . . .