Humor Magazine

The Sunday Rumble: 23.6.13

By Davidduff

Stereotypes are so much easier:  In a very careful, detailed, scientific and rigorous piece of research - not! - The Mail reports that Brits do have stiff upper lips and Americans are more optimistic and amorous than us.  This is based on a survey by someone or other which also 'shows' that Brits are tightwads - I put that down to the Jock influence (another stereotype) - but Americans are free spenders.  Pheeeew, thank the Lord for that, life is so much easier if people comply with their stereotype, I simply can't be doing with 'peace 'n' love' Germans, charming 'Frogs', Chinese who are even minutely less than inscrutable and Italians who fail to make a pass at my wife.  Actually, this story touches upon a somewhat deeper subject which keeps niggling at the back of my mind, that is, the question of boundaries.  When does an individual item, or group of items, gradually, or perhaps suddenly, take on the characteristics of the whole thing?  I have been meaning to blog on this abstruse subject but it requires great thought and consideration and so, hey, I didn't want to break with my personal sterotype!


Will the USA collapse from the inside out?  No, of course it won't, er, it won't, will it?  I ask because whilst we have seen various big-ish cities in California go broke the next one over the cliff is Detroit in Michigan.  As Bloomberg reports:

Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s plan to suspend payments on $2 billion of
Detroit’s debt threatens a basic tenet of the $3.7 trillion municipal market:
that states and cities will raise taxes as high as needed to avoid default.

The city lacks the means to maintain law enforcement and even street lighting.  If wages and pensions go by the board how long will it be before the people 'do a Brazil' and come out on the streets?  Jest askin'?


More rumbles as the day plods on  . . .



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