Whisper who dares: This morning there was only one spam and that, 'heavens to Betsy', had actually been picked up by TypePad's anti-spam system. I have been acidulous in putting their IP numbers on my block list but I have now backed that up by picking key words or phrases that they tend to repeat and putting those on the block list as well. That requires some judgment because obviously some of the words might be used perfectly innocently in other contexts and I have no wish to block any innocent commenter. Anyway, we shall see what the week ahead brings from the spammer brigade!
So will you suckers swallow it? I refer, in this instance, to my fellow Brits who, like me, are currently wading through the ordure of the annual conference season of our main political parties. So far they all share one characteristic, that is, they are all offering us bribes and, as usual, the bribes are paid for with our money! This is the oldest political trick since democracy was invented and yet you cannot blame the pols for trying it on because every five years we fall for it! Not that I have paid attention to the minutiae of what has dribbled from their golden tongues but my impression is that the only political leader to speak commonsense was Nigel Farage of UKIP. Alas, surrounded as he is by some very fourth-rate third-raters there is no possibility of his party ever forming a government. Still, he is a very useful bludgeon with which to beat 'Dim Dave' about the head and so I look to all of you to vote UKIP in next year's European elections.
More rumbles later . . .