Now I know I am right: If I had any doubts at all concerning my conviction that we should leave the EU as soon as possible then this headline from 'The Graun' courtesy of EU Referendum banishes them forever:
"Ken Clarke, Danny Alexander and Lord Mandelson warn against EU exit"
Everybody is wrong from time to time, even - and I know you will be shocked to hear it - this distinguished blogger but to go on and on and on being wrong in the face of a whole mountain range of contrary evidence verges somewhere between mania and eccentricity.
Where Arkansas leads, America follows - I hope:This is dedicated to my e-pal JK, an 'Arkie' from his hand-made riding boots to his holster where-in he 'conceals and carries' a bottle of 'good ol' Jake's Special Brew. In a sense this is parish-pump news but according to the report it has very much wider implications because it is:
an early bellwether on the fight to protect the state’s Medicaid
expansion, as well as Democrats’ chances in the November election.
Anyway, in this traditionally very strong Democrat county, the Republican, despite being out-spent 3 to 1, romped home: 57% to 43%. I expect a full psephological analysis from my frontline correspondent in Arkansas, er, just as soon he 'gits hisself back down from them thar hills where good ol' Jake has his still'!
More rumbles later . . .