Humor Magazine

The Sunday Rumble: 18.8.13

By Davidduff

The 78th Health Warning - this month!  Good morning, or, good afternoon if you happen to have been lying in this morning which, I should warn you can be very bad for your health.  I am the spokesman from the MFAHWO.  This is a very (self) important organisation whose full title is the Mother and Father of All Health Warning Organisations.  Naturally, I am a Doctor, because all Health Warning Organisations are fronted by a Doctor because it gives them an air of authority, er, despite the fact that these days the Great British Public has slowly realised that most doctors are total prats who would have difficulty sticking a plaster on a cut finger - which is why they have nurses!  Now pay attention because I have a very serious warning to issue to you all - do NOT, under any circumstances, get out of bed!  Getting out of bed is highly dangerous.  You see, the minute you get out of bed you risk meeting the 77 other dangers that my esteemed colleagues have already warned you about this month.  So my stern advice to you all is to stay exactly where you are.  Another colleague will be along shortly to warn you of the dangers of bed sores.  Thank you!

Was Obama photo-shopped?  Honestly, these Americans!  Is nothing and no-one sacred?


This is the photo reluctantly released after the event in which Obama is 'seen' with his high-powered command team, er, well not counting 'Bozo' Biden, of course, watching intently as the American SEAL team assassinated Osama bin Laden.  But now we learn from a man who was there that for most of the time Obama was downstairs playing cards.  Now some rascal is suggesting that this photo was rigged by 'photoshopping' techniques and points to the size of Obama's head compared to the people next to him.  I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!   Thanks to IHTM

More rumbles as the day trundles on  . . .

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