Humor Magazine

The Sunday Rumble: 15.2.15

By Davidduff

Woman's vagina widened:  As you regular readers know, this blog prides itself on being totally non-sexist and thus, following my earlier report on penis reduction, I am pleased to tell you, courtesy of The Daily Mail, that a lady has just undergone a vagina enlargement procedure.  Sometimes, just sometimes, there are no words  . . .

Carry on up the Vistula:   This was going to be a deeply serious comment on the dangerous strategic tensions mounting in eastern Europe as news comes through that the left-wing candidate in the forthcoming Polish presidential election has made it clear that she would be prepared to do whatever it takes to improve relations with 'Vlad the Impaler'.  As you can see, she is hot!  Alas, given that 'Vlad baby' is as queer as a nine bob note, her looks will availeth her naught. 

The Sunday Rumble:  15.2.15

Also, and alas, the fact that her surname translates as 'cucumber' in English reduces me to giggles, as it appears to do to the Polish electorate where so far she has only 5% support.  She is, apparently, a part-time actress so just think what those rascals on the "Carry On" films would have made of her and her surname!


'Don't cry for me, Mother Russia':   Instead, save your tears for yourself, according to James Jackson at Taki's Magazine.  Incidentally, Jackson sounds like an interestin' fella'.  His summary of all that is worst in 'Mother Russia' is worth reading.

This about sums it up:

The country remains what it ever has been: a third world state with oil and nukes and a lot of resentment. Gangsterdom reigns. To do business there, you must climb into bed either with the politicians or the mafiya, and relying on protection won’t prevent you being screwed or feeling violated. My twin brother previously had dealings in Moscow and once or twice had meetings with a strange and unappealing government minister named Vladimir Putin. “Everyone sniggered that he had a voice like a woman,” my brother recounts. Perhaps they are not so ready with the laughter now. Incidentally, the charming right-hand man of my sibling ended with several hollow-point rounds in his head. Sad how things turn out.

His final paragraph had me nodding in agreement: 

That man [Vlad] has issues. Bare-chested and riding a horse, wrestling a bear, the martial arts poses, the chaperoning of migrating geese from a microlight: perhaps if he just came out of the closet, he would spare himself a great deal of angst and the rest of the world a headache.


Thank God this nutter is 'down under there':  But first let me urge you to bookmark a new-ish site called  On this excellent site you will be able to read many of the ga-ga predictions made by 'Warmers' in previous years.  I intend to reprint a few of them from time to time and to start us off, here are the words of an eye-ball swivelling Aussie loony who should be put back on the prison ship on which we Brits originally 'exported' him:

Australia’s Climate Commissioner, Professor Tim Flannery, believes we must move towards a global ant’s nest, regulated by a global intelligence, and sharing all resources equally. In this world there will be no room for individual choice, individuals will have their specialised roles defined and limited and world population will be massively reduced.
interview 2011- link - – see also BBC News article


The 'Right Hitch' gets it right:   I call him the 'Right Hitch' to distinguish him from his late brother who was, for most of his, er, exuberant life, a 'Left Hitch' - but no less interesting and amusing for that!  Anyway, brother Peter sums up the source of some of our problems in his usual trenchant style:

After more than 40 years as a journalist at home and abroad, often experiencing history at first hand, I am certain of only one thing – that most people in power are completely clueless about what they are doing.They seldom, if ever, think. They know no history. They are fiercely resistant to any facts that might upset their opinions. They take no trouble to find out what is actually happening.

Step up, Dave 'n' Ed 'n' Nick and take a bow!


Spiral's nearly out of control:  I watched the last episode of "Spiral" last night and unfortunately, for the first time, I sensed that the multiple story lines were getting away from the writers and director.  Everything was rushed to a (sort of) conclusion, well, I say "sort of" because of course there is another series to come.  One thing is for sure, if "Spiral" is even roughly accurate as a description of the French judicial system and the Parisian police force then La France is in trouble!


The 'Kraut' on Obama's non-policy:   I would urge you all to read 'The Kraut's' latest essay on the non-policy pursued by Obama in  the field of foreign affairs.  Whilst I am risking a severe case of lèse-majesté in going against 'The Kraut' I am prepared to defend the President - to a certain extent.  I will risk that next week in a full blog post.  Until then, nightie-night!


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