Humor Magazine

The Sunday Rumble: 13.10.13

By Davidduff

Will fear make Dave brave?  I ask because the 'Milipede' struck him a shrewd and severe blow by promising a government diktat if Labour win the next election which will instantly freeze energy bills for at least 20 months.  Of course, anyone with more than three brain cells will instantly realize that the energy companies, after increasing their bills ahead of the election, will simply take that loss of income out of the budgets for various desirable requirements like building new power stations so you may not actually have an energy bill at all because of power outages!  But 'Milipede' is banking on that well-established fact that the average voter has only two brain cells!  Still, even 'Dim Dave' has realised that it is a definite vote-winner and he needs to re-act.  The simple solution is to cut out all subsidies to the various Greenie lunacies which are contained, unseen, in everyone's energy bills.  That would do more than just freeze bills, it would reduce them - to quote a phrase - "at a stroke"!  Of course, he would face implacable opposition from the il-Lib-non-Dems but if he could make it clear by forcing energy companies to publicise the exact cost to each and every energy bill payer in the country how much goes towards windmills and solar panels that would not only open a few firmly closed eyes but also put terrific pressure on anyone who supports these 'secret' subsidies.  It may be, of course, that in cutting these subsidies Britain might be taken to the Euro court for failing to behave according to their rules, to which I can only reply, bring it on!  Something like that just before a referendum would be 'gold in the bank'!

Londoners could teach Romanians how to pick pockets!  Property prices in London whizz up, up and away like rockets from Cape Canaveral.  Why?  Because huge numbers of les nouveaux riches, mostly Russian and Chinese, are desperate to get their (frequently ill-gotten) gains out of the control of the governmental kleptocracies in which they live and in to a place where the rule of law is a long-established fact of life.  It is not necessary for the government here to rob them, that can be safely left to various smoothly-dressed, and even more smoothly-spoken, up-market estate agents to quietly relieve them of a fair bit of their dosh which is then taxed so the government collects in the end.  Anything left over can be aquired by those City rascals for investment and insurance purposes, or by the proprietors of London restaurants, high-class outfitters and department stores.  It's all done in the best possible style rather like the doorman at Claridges as he raises his uniform hat and quietly accepts the tip from yet another grateful incomer.  We learned how to do it years ago when the Arabs, hitherto treated with contempt, suddenly became rich beyond the dreams of anyone and they couldn't wait to get to London - and London couldn't wait to receive them - and then relieve them, so to speak.

Who's the forking fork thief?  Well, actually, it's not exactly a fork, more of a 'forklet'.  Perhaps I should explain.  In my miniscule (but, of course, exquisite) 'garden' I tend to use those little trowels and forklet-thingies rather than proper big jobs, they're much easier to use but - and it's becoming an expensive 'but' - I keep losing the damn things!  In my recent sortie into 'the wilderness' that I mentioned a few days ago, two 'forklets' went walkabout.  Don't ask me where they went but they are no more!  I'm beginning to suspect that 'Memsahib' might be conducting a secret campaign to drive me mad!  Anyway, it was down to the garden center - again! - this morning to buy yet another one which, I can predict, will go missing around May next year!

More rumbles later . . .

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