Health Magazine

The Stone Age Meets the Future

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1


Here’s my new home office. I’ve thrown out the chair – instead I just got myself a standing desk. Why?

The Paleo Manifesto

The reason for the standing desk is the inspiring book, seen to the left on the desk: The Paleo Manifesto by John Durant. The book won’t be released until September 17th, but I got a preview copy from the author at the AHS conference recently.

I have previously read Paleo books by Staffan Lindeberg, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, Art De Vany and Robb Wolf (*) – but The Paleo Manifesto is different.

The book is not only more fun to read (more eloquent and with more stories), but it’s also packed with thought-provoking ideas. Ideas that feel fresh, even though I thought I had read all about Paleo before. I recommend the book warmly – a review will be coming.

Stone Age and Present Meet

So why stand up and work? It’s not about calorie obsession. The short answer is rather that people are ill-suited to sitting down all day. Not sitting down ten hours per day may potentially provide better posture, better health, better hormonal balance, improved alertness during the day and better sleep at night. Maybe. For the long answer, I will refer to the book.

Do I feel better with a standing desk? Time will tell, but so far I love it. After a week with my standing desk I haven’t lowered it even once.

So to the obvious question: Did people have beautiful internet-connected computers with wireless keyboard and mouse back in the Stone Age? Were there any sound canceling headphones connected to Spotify? No, of course not. And for neither Durant nor me is this about reenacting the Stone Age.

It’s about using all that our modern society offers, but adapting our life to suit the bodies we were born with. To continue evolving into the future – but still being aware of our heritage from the industrial society, the agrarian society, the Stone Age and even further back to where we once came from.

The Book

The Stone Age Meets the Future

Order The Paleo Manifesto (*)

Gadget tips

The standing desk is from IKEA and is called Galant. (My desk is 160 x 80 cm).

The wonderful computer is a 27″ iMac, the latest model (don’t order now, there’ll an updated faster version this fall).

The headphones (*) are great for those who often work with a 2-year old in the next room – or if you travel a lot by train and airplane. They effectively suppress ambient noise. If you also have music on, you’ll be totally unaffected by what’s going on around you.


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*/ Support link. Order via Amazon using this link and I’ll get a referral fee. You’ll pay exactly the same amount.

I have no financial ties to the other companies mentioned above; IKEA, Apple and Spotify.

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