Humor Magazine

The Mutt and Jeff of 'terrorism'

By Davidduff

What a pair of total and utter tits those two yobs are who slashed and stabbed an off-duty soldier to death yesterday.  The fact that they obviously possess no more than 2.75 brain cells between the pair of them is all too obvious but what an embarrassment to the 'Allah-fathers' of Islamic terrorism that two of their 'fighters' are dumb enough to butcher their victim in broad daylight and then hang around to chat up the ladies!  The police deserve a big 'well done' for only wounding them which means they will stand trial and then spend most of the rest of their lives rotting behind bars.  In fact, thinking back over the various 'terrorists' who have tried to emulate the more successful Tube and bus bombers I really don't think we have much to worry about.  They all seem to share the same dumb and dumber genes and their amateurish, stumble-bum efforts would be laughable but for the malignancy that drives them on.

In the meantime you will excuse me if I relish a quiet cynical smile to myself because as the media goes into gushing overdrive following the death of a soldier, the recent murder by stabbing of a 75-year old Muslim grandfather in Birmingham, possibly at the hands of a white terrorist racist has quietly slipped out of the headlines, not that it made that much of a splash in the first place.


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