Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

The Magical Side Of Flowers

By Slherrmann
The Magical Side Of FlowersG'morning my faithful readers!
Today I am going to share the magical side of flowers! Flowers have given us the gift of beauty from the beginning of time, but for centuries, flowers have been used in magic to ward off evil spirits, protect our homes, and for personal material and mystical gain.
So read on to learn how flowers are not just for smelling!
The Magical Side Of Flowers
The Magical Side Of FlowersAlthea (althea officinalis)~Carry althea in sachets and burn it as incense to attract good spirits. It is also believed to help stimulate the senses of psychic perception. Althea is commonly known as marshmallow. Its ideal habitats are marshy fields and sodden areas.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Betony (stachys officinalis)~Due to its protective and purificatory properties, betony is placed beneath pillows to protect the sleeper from nightmares. In Roman times betony was believed to cure 47 different ailments. Traditionally, betony was burned on Midsummer bonfires to which people would jump over during a purification ritual.
The Magical Side Of FlowersBlackberry (rubus villosus)~Traditionally, blackberries were baked in pies to celebrate the harvest at Lammas in August. You can also use the berries and leaves in spells to bring wealth, but only if picked before Sept. 29.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Borage (borago officinalis)~Carrying borage flowers, it is believed to protect the wearer from the winds and to give courage. Borage is also believed to help fight off tiredness. Drinking borage tea is believed  to help promote psychic abilities when drank before meditation.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Burdock (arctium lappa)~For protection, burdock is burned as an incense. At the time of a full moon, the roots can be gathered, dried and cut into small pieces and hung from a red thread as a protective amulet.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Buttercup (ranunculus acris)~The tradition of some cultures, is to rub buttercup onto a cow's udders during the festival of Beltane. This is said to encourage the cow to produce plenty of milk.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Chamomile (anthemis nobilis)~To remove curses and other negative spells, chamomile was sprinkled around the home. This herb is favored by superstitious gamblers and can be used wealth spells to attract money.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Chicory (chicorium intybus)~Harvesting this flower with a golden knife in silence at midnight on Midsummer was believed to  make the bearer invisible to all those in the immediate area and open any locks that is touched.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Chrysanthemum (chrysanthemum segetum)~This flower was believed to protect against evil spirits and even the wrath of the gods.It was also thought to ease the passage of recently deceased loved ones into the next life.
The Magical Side Of FlowersColtsfoot (tussilago farfara)~The leaves of this plant can be used as an ingredient in charm bags to promote peace and tranquility. Coltsfoot has also been smoked since the time of Ancient Rome to help gain visions when scrying.
The Magical Side Of FlowersDandelion (taraxacum officinale)~Burying dandelion flowers at the northwest corner of the house was said to bring favorable winds. Blowing the sees off dandelions also show how long you will live - a year per seed remaining on the head.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Dogwood (cornus florida)~To ensure that any wish you make comes true, place the sap of dogwood onto a hanky on Midsummer Eve and carry with you.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Foxglove (digitalis purpurea)It was believed that by growing foxglove in the garden, you could protect the home from witches and fairies and stop them from entering the grounds of your property.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Heather (calluna vulgaris)~For centuries it has been believed that by carrying this plant with you provides good luck, although you shouldn't wear it at night as it is believed to attract ghosts.
The Magical Side Of Flowers
Lilac (syringa vulgaris)~Keeping lilacs in the garden is believed to provide your home with protection from all evil. Though keeping it in the house is considered unlucky.
The Magical Side Of Flowers

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